Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Market Your Business as a Protector of the Ocean

Marketing is and will always be a necessary component for any business. It is the way of the world.

It is no different with storm water pollution prevention and if your business is following your properties Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) then why not maximize your marketing by informing your customers that your company is fighting against ocean and waterway just makes sense.

Maintaining the storm water system on your property is not only the law but it is our duty to be an active community in the prevention of contaminants going down the drains.

What kind of contaminants get into our storm water systems?
  • Dropping litter on the ground or out a car window
  • Walking a dog without picking up the droppings
  • Allowing paper or trash to blow into the street
  • Changing oil and placing it in the gutter or trash can
  • Dropping a cigarette butt on the ground
  • Hosing leaves or dirt off driveway or sidewalk into the street
  • Emptying a car ashtray into the street
  • Watering the lawn or garden and letting the water run into the street
  • Washing off paint brushes under an outdoor faucet
  • Throwing something in the gutter
  • Spraying the garden or lawn with pesticide and allowing it to wash off
  • Washing their cars in a location that allows the wash water to run onto the pavement and into a gutter 
  • Gardeners blowing leaves and debris onto the street
Start marketing your business by sharing on your website, blog, and social media sites, that your company is all about Storm Water Pollution Prevention. Let the world know that you care!
The bottom line is that we should care no matter the marketing endeavor behind it...IT IS TIME...will you join with SWIMS (Storm Water Inspection and Maintenance Services) and help protect our oceans? Your answer should be YES we will.
SWIMS Website - Contact us for a Free Inspection